Friday, November 26, 2010


This is the first of what should become many posts associated with The Back of the Class podcast. If you haven't checked it out, find us on iTunes at The Back of the Class. We'll be posting here about what we do, why we do it, and where we'd like education to go.


  1. It's about time! You tech savvy people! :-P

  2. Come on now! We are in the back of the class for a reason - always talking when the teacher has his backed turn. I say his, not to be politically correct, but simply because my female teachers rarely fell for my charm.

    I hope our podcast helps us broaden both our audience and the discussion. I would encourage everyone to check out the RSA Animate - The Truth About What Really Motivates Us video that Pat shared. This type of venue, people voluntarily working and dialoguing to find meaning solutions is undoubtedly they way we are going to make a difference. And of course having Simon doing all the field work...
